We aim to please - but we know that sometimes things go wrong. If you have a problem or complaint we want to know. Most problems can be dealt with by sending an email to We will endeavour to investigate your complaint and respond to you as quickly as possible. We undertake to either deal with your complaint, or acknowledge its receipt and confirm the timescale for a full response, within three working days of receipt.
If you are not satisfied with the response to your complaint, you may send a further email for the attention of the CEO to or write to the CEO, Epoq, Inc., 85 Swanson Road, Suite 160, Boxborough MA, 01719, giving the reasons for your continued dissatisfaction. We will acknowledge receipt of your further email or letter within three working days of its receipt and will again confirm the timescale for a full response. A separate and thorough review of your complaint will be conducted and a full response sent directly to you.