The CLC Legal Forms website (Website) is provided by Epoq, Inc., which is a Massachusetts corporation (ID 001419563) whose registered office address is 82 Wendell Avenue, STE 100, Pittsfield, MA 01201 (Epoq).
References to our, us and we on the Website are references to Epoq.
This disclaimer forms part of the conditions (Conditions) that govern your use of (1) the Website, (2) the legal information guides available on the Website and (3) the document preparation service provided to users of the Website. See also the Terms of use and Intellectual Property Rights Notice. It is important that you read and understand the Conditions before you start to use the Website. You can print and keep a copy for your reference.
By using the Website, you indicate that you accept the Conditions and that you agree to abide by them. If you do not agree to the Conditions, please refrain from using the Website.
We are not a law firm. We may not perform services which must be performed by an attorney. The services available on the Website provide general legal information only, similar to that provided by self-help law books and legal forms offered for sale through retail outlets. They should not be understood as providing legal advice to be applied to a specific situation. The Document Preparation Service is not a legal service; it is an automated software solution provided to persons who choose to prepare their own legal documents.
The law is a personal matter, and no general information or automated solution of the sort that we provide can fit every circumstance. Further, the law differs from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, and may be interpreted or applied differently depending on your location or situation. Because of this, we cannot, and do not, provide legal advice, opinions or recommendations about your legal rights, remedies, defenses, options, or strategies, or apply the law to the facts of your particular situation. Nor, when you use the Document Preparation Service, can we provide you with any legal advice about which template to select, whether a template is appropriate for your situation, draw legal conclusions from your answers or review your answers for legal sufficiency.
Therefore, if you need legal advice for your specific problem, or if your specific problem is too complex to be addressed by our automated solution, you should consult an attorney in your area.
Use by you of the services available on the Website does not create an attorney-client relationship between you and us. Instead, you are and will be representing yourself in any legal matter you undertake through the Document Preparation Service or as a result of viewing the Guide. ANY PERSONAL INFORMATION YOU PROVIDE TO US WHEN YOU USE THE SERVICES AVAILABLE ON THE WEBSITE IS NOT COVERED BY ATTORNEY-CLIENT PRIVILEGE OR WORK-PRODUCT PROTECTION.