Drug-Free Workplace Policy (NM)
Drug-free workplace policies aim to create a safe and productive work environment for all individuals and promote compliance with relevant laws and regulations. Employers that have federal contracts or that receive federal funds must comply with the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988, and many states and localities have also adopted a Drug-Free Workplace Act.
This Drug-Free Workplace Policy outlines the types of drug testing, the consequences of a positive test result, and enforcement. This policy can also be customized for applicable state and local laws, such as the handling of recreational and medical marijuana.
This policy should be reviewed with your employee handbook, and other existing employee policies to ensure there are no inconsistencies. It should be signed by all employees. This policy is not intended for employers covered by specific federal agency requirements, like the Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, or Federal Transit Administration, or employees covered by a collective bargaining agreement.